Novel in a Year
“If it hadn't been for the Novel in a Year course and Jenny's teaching, feedback and general encouragement I would never in a million years have written a novel. The course was inspiring, but - even more significantly - it brought the structure that made the difference between vague ideas and good intentions, and the reality of actually completing a 300-page novel. Jenny's guidance and the mutual support between the course participants made all the difference. A fantastic experience!”
Novel in a Year student
“I wish I’d had an English teacher like, Jenny. She gives you confidence however hard the challenge-making you feel you can do it – and so you can!’
Novel in a Year student
"Jenny’s Novel in a Year course was the best thing I ever did for my writing life.
From getting down to writing, the course takes you through the mechanics of structuring your novel and developing the plot, to editing, marketing and submitting your finish manuscript to publishers and agents; but more than that, it gives you a good idea of what being a writer actually involves!
Jenny’s approach is very relaxed and friendly, so you never feel pressured or out of your depth. She encourages you to send in extracts of your work, and gives you practical – and invaluable - feedback.
I have taken dozens of writing classes over the years, but my novel stayed a daydream until this one! With Jenny’s support I finished my novel, edited it, submitted it, and it was published by an indie publisher last week! I’ve only ever wanted to be a writer, and it is an amazing feeling to have actually achieved a life-long goal – but this is just the start for me!
Honestly, I cannot recommend this course highly enough. Thanks, Jenny!
Novel in a Year student - Morwenna Blackwood
Jenny Kane's Novel in a Year workshops are taught online and in person.
Write a Novel in a Year ONLINE version. (Open to everyone over 18 with a Zoom connection)
Booking is now open for the May 2024 - May 2025 online course.
Please note there is ONE place left on this course.
Do you have an idea for a novel but don’t know where to start?
Have you started a novel but lost your momentum?
Let Imagines’ Jenny Kane help you to realise your dream by enrolling on this year long course, which takes you and your novel from the very first word through to ‘The End,’ and beyond to editing, blurb writing and how to find a publisher.
Each class will be held via Zoom on the dates shown below. You need to be available (baring emergency) on each of those dates.
There are 5-6 places available.
Each of the 6 individual sessions is £70 per person.
(Total of £420 per person for the whole course. Paid in instalments throughout the year.)
The cost includes an option to have up to 16,000 words of your novel critiqued across the 12-month workshop period (to be sent in 4 batches of 4000 words, between the end of first lesson and the beginning of the final lesson). You will have the option to pay for more editing should you wish, at a special ‘Novel in a Year’ rate. (Information on request when the time comes.)
You are entitled to email Jenny for guidance/mentorship across the entire 12-month period.
(Please note that, if you can’t make a class, you will be charged £45. This will allow you to receive the slides to work through yourself and keep your 4000 words edit allowance.)
Please note: Jenny allocates places for this popular workshop series on a first come first served basis.
While this workshop series welcomes new and first-time novelists, it is not suitable for those who have no writing experience. (Writing experience can include belonging to a writing group or writing as a hobby. You do not need to have any writing qualifications or publications.)
To apply for a place, you need to have a clear idea of novel you wish to write. (You don’t need to have started it.)
If you haven’t worked with Jenny in the past, then she will need to see a sample of your fiction writing in advance, to make sure you are ready to approach a novel. (Please send Jenny up to 500 words of a story you’ve previously written on application. This should be attached to an email as a word document.)
Should you be interested in taking part, an initial £25 deposit (non-refundable) is required. Bank details will be sent once confirmation of a place has been awarded.
Timetable May 2024-2025
Session 1 - Saturday 11th May 1pm – 4.30pm (includes a 30-minute break from 2.30-3pm)
An Introduction to Novel Writing
Deciding upon your genre and audience.
Getting the first paragraph on paper.
Session 2 - Saturday 10th August, 2pm - 4pm
Aim to be at 15,000 word mark.
Discuss any problems you may have.
Do you know your characters well enough?
Dialogue – how much is too much/not enough?
Session 3 – Sunday 11th August, 2pm – 4pm
Location development.
Bringing character and location together.
Session 4 - Saturday 9th November, 1pm – 4.30pm (includes a 30-minute break from 2.30-3pm)
Aim to be at the 30-40,000 word mark.
Looking at pace and structure.
Planning ‘The End’
Session 5 - Saturday 8th February 2025, 1pm – 4.30pm (includes a 30-minute break from 2.30-3pm)
Aim to be nearing the end of your first draft.
Editing and Proofing
Hunting for plot holes
Tie up loose ends
How to polish and perfect your work
Session 6 - Saturday 10th May 2025, 1pm – 4.30pm (includes a 30-minute break from 2.30-3pm)
Aim to have your first draft finished – or be editing your novel into shape.
Self-publish or mainstream publisher?
How to submit your book.
Blurb and synopsis writing
Marketing Overview
NB. Please note that, as these dates are booked so far in advance, they are subject to change should an emergency/unavoidable situation arise. If Jenny does have to change a workshop date, then she will endeavour to find a new time to please everyone.